Nozare, LAA, pakāpeniski atsāk publisku pasākumu norisi atbilstoši Latvijas Republikas likumiem un normatīvajiem aktiem. Aicinām būt atbildīgiem, izvērtēt savu veselības stāvokli un rīkoties atbilstoši valstī pieņemtajiem noteikumiem.
LAA realizes training in the INTEGRATED FRUIT-GROWINGThe training will focus on practical activities, as well as a practice trip abroad. The training is free of charge and is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The procedure for the training is regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 705 from 08/12/2015.See news

Actual projects run buy Latvian Fruit growers association (LAA) or where  we participate as partner

🍒 ATLAS (Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System ) ATLAS  aim is to build an open, distributed and extensible data Interoperability Network, based on a microservice architecture which will offer a high level of scalability from a single farm to a global community . More on ATLAS web site

🍒 “Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Baltic Sea Region countries” (InnoFruit) Project web site

🍒 Innovative, economically substantiated solutions to improve the efficiency of apple and raspberry production and fruit quality. More about project