Projekts ir noslēdzies. Projekta rezultāti Latviešu valodā tuvākajā laikā tiks atspoguļoti projekta tīmekļa vietnē. Šobrīd var iepazīties ar augļkopju viedokli par demonstrāciju saimniecībā, kā arī dažiem interesantiem datiem kas varētu būt interesanti augļkopju komercsaimniecībām.
On 1 March 2016 the Interereg Baltic Sea Region program project „Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector in selected Baltic Sea Region countries” (InnoFruit) had been successfully finished.
Project implementation time: 1.03.2016. – 28.02.2019.
Project aim: Developing the fruit growing potential in the Baltic Sea Region to secure the availability of healthy, high quality fruit and fruit products through research driven innovations, thereby increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of the fruit chain in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.
Project activities are the following:
– Development of a conceptual framework for the establishment of demofarms;
– Development of a demonstration base at scientific institutions and SMEs;
– Creation of an open demofarm network in selected BSR countries;
– Development of recommendations for the sectoral policy makers.
Lead partner: Institute of Horticulture, Latvia University of Agriculture.
Project partners: Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Research Institute of Horticulture (Poland), Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvian Fruit Grower’s assocation, „Berry plus” Ltd. (Latvia), „La-Sad” Ltd. (Poland) and Swedish Pomological Science Center.